
Ruby Jane Cabagnot

How to Add Dynamic Object Keys Using Dot Notation

In JavaScript, you can use dot notation to access properties of an object. However, if you want to add a dynamic property to an object, you can use the dot notation with square bracket notation.

const person = {
  name: "Alice",
  age: 25,

const key = "position";
const value = "developer";

person[key] = value;

// Output: { name: 'Alice', age: 25, position: 'developer' }

In this example, we have an object person with properties name and age. We want to add a new property position to the person object with the value developer. We use the dot notation with square bracket notation to add the dynamic property position to the person object.

How to Add Dynamic Object Keys Using Square Bracket Notation

You can also use square bracket notation to add dynamic properties to an object in JavaScript. This method is useful when you want to add properties with dynamic keys.

const person = {
  name: "Alice",
  age: 25,

const key = "position";
const value = "developer";

person[key] = value;

// Output: { name: 'Alice', age: 25, position: 'developer' }

In this example, we have an object person with properties name and age. We want to add a new property position to the person object with the value developer. We use square bracket notation to add the dynamic property position to the person object.

By using dot notation and square bracket notation, you can add dynamic object keys to access values in key-value pairs in JavaScript. This allows you to create flexible and dynamic objects that can be modified and updated based on your requirements.

Use Cases

Here are a few real-world use cases where adding dynamic object keys using square bracket notation can be beneficial:

  1. Dynamic Forms: When building forms with dynamic fields, you can use square bracket notation to add and update properties in the form object as users fill out the form. Each form field can have a dynamic key that corresponds to its name or ID.
// Sample code for dynamic forms
const form = {};
const inputName = "username";
const inputValue = "johnDoe";

form[inputName] = inputValue;

// Output: { username: 'johnDoe' }
  1. Localization: In a multi-language application, you can use square bracket notation to dynamically load and update localized strings. You can create an object with dynamic keys corresponding to each language and update the values based on the user’s selected language.
// Sample code for localization

const localizedStrings = {
  en: {
    greeting: "Hello!",
    welcome: "Welcome to our website!",
  fr: {
    greeting: "Bonjour!",
    welcome: "Bienvenue sur notre site web!",

const selectedLanguage = "fr";

// Output: Bonjour!
  1. User Settings: When building an application with user-specific settings, you can use square bracket notation to dynamically add and update properties in the user settings object. Each setting can have a dynamic key that corresponds to its name or ID.
// Sample code for user settings

const userSettings = {
  theme: "light",
  fontSize: "medium",

const settingName = "theme";
const settingValue = "dark";

userSettings[settingName] = setting;
// Output: { theme: 'dark', fontSize: 'medium' }
  1. Logging and Metrics: When collecting metrics or logging data, you can use square bracket notation to dynamically add properties to an object based on the data being logged. Each metric or log entry can have a dynamic key that corresponds to its name or category.
// Sample code for logging and metrics

const logs = {};

const logCategory = "errors";
const logMessage = "An error occurred while processing the request.";

logs[logCategory] = logMessage;
// Output: { errors: 'An error occurred while processing the request.' }

These are just a few examples of how adding dynamic object keys using square bracket notation can enhance the functionality and flexibility of your application. You can adapt this technique to fit your specific use case and requirements.


Adding dynamic object keys using dot notation and square bracket notation in JavaScript provides a flexible way to work with objects and access values in key-value pairs.

By using these methods, you can create dynamic objects that can be updated and modified based on your requirements. Experiment with these techniques to enhance your JavaScript skills and create more dynamic applications.

I hope you found this JavaScript Byte Nugget helpful! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy coding! 🚀