
Ruby Jane Cabagnot

Immer: Immutable State Made Easy

Immer is a JavaScript library that simplifies the process of working with immutable state in React applications. It allows you to write code that looks like you are directly mutating the state, while in reality, Immer is creating a copy of the state behind the scenes. In this article, we will discuss the basics of Immer and how it can help you write cleaner and more efficient React code.

What is Immer?

Immer is a library that provides a simple and convenient way to work with immutable state in JavaScript applications. It allows you to write code that looks like you are directly mutating the state, without actually mutating the original state. Immer uses a concept called “structural sharing” to efficiently update the state without mutating it.

Immer is built on top of the immer library, which provides a set of functions that make it easy to work with immutable state. Immer is commonly used in React applications to manage the state of components and ensure that the state is updated in a predictable and efficient way.

Why Use Immer?

Immer provides a number of benefits that make it a great choice for working with immutable state in React applications:

  1. Simplicity: Immer simplifies the process of working with immutable state by allowing you to write code that looks like you are directly mutating the state. This makes it easier to manage the state of your components and write cleaner and more efficient code.

  2. Efficiency: Immer uses a concept called “structural sharing” to efficiently update the state without mutating it. This allows you to update the state in a predictable and efficient way, without worrying about accidentally mutating the original state.

  3. Predictability: Immer ensures that the state is updated in a predictable way by creating a copy of the state behind the scenes. This helps to prevent bugs and unexpected behavior in your application by ensuring that the state is always updated correctly.

  4. Flexibility: Immer provides a set of functions that make it easy to work with immutable state in a wide range of scenarios. You can use Immer to manage the state of components, update nested objects and arrays, and handle complex state updates with ease.

  5. Compatibility: Immer is compatible with a wide range of JavaScript libraries and frameworks, making it easy to integrate into your existing projects. You can use Immer with React, Vue.js, Angular, and other JavaScript frameworks to manage the state of your components.

How to Use Immer

To use Immer in your React applications, you need to install it via npm or yarn:

npm install immer

Once you have installed Immer, you can import the produce function from the immer library in your components:

import { produce } from "immer";

You can then use the produce function to update the state of your components in an immutable way:

const initialState = {
  count: 0,

const reducer = (state, action) =>
  produce(state, (draft) => {
    switch (action.type) {
      case "increment":
        draft.count += 1;
      case "decrement":
        draft.count -= 1;

In this example, we define an initial state object with a count property and a reducer function that uses the produce function from Immer to update the state in an immutable way. The produce function takes the current state and a callback function that updates the state using a mutable API. Immer creates a copy of the state behind the scenes and ensures that the state is updated in an immutable way.


Immer is a powerful library that simplifies the process of working with immutable state in React applications. It allows you to write code that looks like you are directly mutating the state, while in reality, Immer is creating a copy of the state behind the scenes. By using Immer, you can manage the state of your components in a predictable and efficient way, ensuring that your React applications are clean, efficient, and bug-free. I hope this article helps you understand the basics of Immer and how it can help you write cleaner and more efficient React code! Let me know if you have any questions.