
Ruby Jane Cabagnot

Top 5 Cypress Best Practices for Writing Clean and Efficient JavaScript Code

Cypress is a modern JavaScript testing framework that enables developers to write end-to-end tests for web applications. It is a powerful tool that allows you to write tests that simulate user interactions and verify the behavior of your application. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 best practices for writing clean and efficient JavaScript code with Cypress.

1. Use Custom Commands

Cypress allows you to create custom commands that can be reused across your tests. Custom commands can help you write cleaner and more maintainable tests by encapsulating common actions and assertions. For example, you can create a custom command to log in to your application, navigate to a specific page, or verify the contents of an element.

Cypress.Commands.add("login", (username, password) => {

In this example, we create a custom command called login that logs in to the application with the specified username and password. You can then use the login command in your tests to log in to the application without duplicating the login logic.

2. Use Fixtures to Load Test Data

Cypress allows you to load test data from fixtures, which are JSON files that contain sample data for your tests. Fixtures can help you write more maintainable tests by separating test data from test logic. For example, you can create a fixture that contains sample user data and use it in your tests to simulate different scenarios.

// users.json
  "users": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Alice",
      "email": "

      "id": 2,
      "name": "Bob",
      "email": "

In this example, we create a fixture called `users.json` that contains sample user data. You can then load the fixture in your tests using the `cy.fixture` command and use the data to simulate different scenarios.

## 3. Use Page Objects

Page Objects are a design pattern that helps you write more maintainable tests by encapsulating the logic for interacting with the elements on a page. Page Objects represent the pages of your application and provide methods for interacting with the elements on the page. For example, you can create a Page Object for the login page that contains methods for entering the username and password, clicking the login button, and verifying the login status.


class LoginPage {
  visit() {

  fillUsername(username) {

  fillPassword(password) {

  clickLoginButton() {

  verifyLoginStatus() {
    cy.get("#login-status").should("contain", "Welcome, User!");

export default new LoginPage();

In this example, we create a Page Object for the login page that provides methods for interacting with the elements on the page. You can then use the Page Object in your tests to interact with the login page without duplicating the logic for interacting with the elements.

4. Use Data Attributes for Selectors

Cypress recommends using data attributes for selectors to make your tests more resilient to changes in the structure of your application. Data attributes are custom attributes that you can add to the elements on your page to make them easier to select in your tests. For example, you can add a data attribute called data-testid to a button element and use it as a selector in your tests.

<button data-testid="login-button">Login</button>

In this example, we add a data attribute called data-testid to a button element. You can then use the data attribute as a selector in your tests to select the button element without relying on its position or other attributes.

5. Use cy.wait Sparingly

Cypress provides the cy.wait command to pause the test execution for a specified amount of time. While cy.wait can be useful for debugging and troubleshooting failing tests, it is generally not recommended for use in production tests. Instead of using cy.wait, you should use Cypress commands that wait for specific conditions to be met, such as cy.get with assertions or cy.intercept for network requests.

cy.get("#login-status").should("contain", "Welcome, User!");

In this example, we use the cy.get command with an assertion to verify that the login status contains the text โ€œWelcome, User!โ€ after clicking the login button. By using assertions and waiting for specific conditions to be met, you can write more reliable tests that are less likely to fail due to timing issues.


Cypress is a powerful testing framework that enables developers to write clean and efficient JavaScript code for end-to-end tests. By following these best practices, you can write tests that are more maintainable, reliable, and resilient to changes in your application. I hope this article has given you a good overview of the top 5 best practices for writing clean and efficient JavaScript code with Cypress. Happy testing!


Let me know if you have any questions or comments! ๐ŸŒŸ